Baofeng uv 3r plus software
Baofeng uv 3r plus software

baofeng uv 3r plus software

I ought to mention that the cross-platform multi-radio supporting memory management software CHIRP supports the UV-3R as well. I don’t know what would have happened if the channel I’d picked was one that didn’t have a frequency programmed into it – and I’m not going to risk finding out! The list! To use channel 20 as the priority channel I had to select channel 26, which was the 20th one in the list. If you haven’t used all the channels between channel 1 and the priority channel then the radio will check the channel corresponding to the position in the list of the one you selected instead of that actual channel number. I wanted to make channel 20 the priority channel butthe radio started checking channel 14 because 20 was the 14th filled channel in baofeng bf-x3 plus, baofeng uv-9r plus programming software, baofeng uv9r plus, baofeng 9r plus, baofeng s5 plus. You choose the priority channel from a drop-down list of channels that have been used. I discovered a bug with setting the priority channel, though it’s kind of hard to explain. Perhaps a newer model will allow you to have channel names as well. There is also a column called Name for each channel, though I couldn’t type anything in there. I assume that is to get approval in some countries that don’t allow radios that can transmit out of band. Interestingly, it has two options for frequency range, one of which limits the range to the ham bands 144-146MHz and 430-440MHz.

Baofeng uv 3r plus software